One of my absolute favorite things about our new neighborhood is that we get Trick Or Treaters...LOTS of Trick Or Treaters! I am not sure who enjoys it more, me or my sweet puppy Mardi. This year, we have added a new dog to our household (Marlin) & I cannot wait to share a picture of them dressed in their Halloween costumes! I love seeing all of the adorable kids in their costumes and, of course, having lots of candy on hand. Several of my friends bring their kids by & I always like to have a special treat ready to go for them. Check out what I did in 2011...who knows what I will do this year!
I thought these Martha Stewart witches brooms were super-cute, and could work for a boy or a girl. I bought mine at Michael's Craft Store for around $10 but you can get them anywhere that carries Martha Stewart's line of crafts. I checked, and they are making these again this year.
Of course it comes with directions,
but I always find it helpful to have a visual.
It comes with an inside bag & an outside bag.
You just put a little sticker between the two to hold them together.
Drop in the candy & broom stick, then tie it loosly at the top.
How great are the mini Tootsie Roll pops?
I hope someone's kiddo will bring me another spider ring this year!
The broom stick is faux but, obviously, this isn't for small children. They can untie the ribbon or they can tear the sides to get to the candy.
With one of my leftovers, I made a bird's nest.
I cannot tell you how much fun this was to make!
I just twisted the sides of the bag in various directions & glued the pieces into place with hot glue.
I then added spanish moss and feathers.
What on earth am I going to do with this you ask?
I have no idea, I just like it ;)
Here are some of Mardi's past Halloween costumes: